Week 10 Story: The Eighth Son

Edit: This story has been transferred to my Portfolio . Click here to view the most up to date version. All who knew Gria and Rahim were envious of their relationship. They seemed very happy with one another, and they were joyful for a time. But, shortly after Gria became pregnant with their first child, she seemed grave. She did not eat or sleep. Many thought it was due to a bad pregnancy. In fact, the child was stillborn. After this, Gria’s mood seemed to return to normal. Rahim was upset about losing the baby, but he was happy that he had his wife back. Many months after this, Gria became pregnant again. Once more, her mood plummeted and the child was born dead. This cycle repeated for seven children total. Gria recovered fully after each loss, but Rahim grew more tired and depressed. He could not understand how his wife was so unaffected. After all, she was the one who carried the children inside of her for months...