Week 3 Story: The Earth Shall Provide

Once, there was a farmer and his wife. On this farm, there were cows, horses, chickens, and pigs, but there were no children. The couple found happiness in their work and had great love for one another, but there was a gap in their lives that they could not fill. Try as they might, they could not have children. The wife was especially depressed by this. She longed for the joy of motherhood. The farmer wished for a child as well, but he also worried who would take care of them when they grew old. They experimented with many natural remedies and prayers to all kinds of gods of different religions. On a particularly dreary morning, an old witch wandered out of the woods and knocked on the couple’s door. The farmer’s wife, a very kind woman, allowed her in and offered some food. The witch gratefully accepted. When she had finished eating, she looked gravely at the wife’s stomach. “Something is...