Reading Notes: Mahabharata- Karmic Revolution, Part D

I do not like that women like Draupadi were married off to whatever man was able to complete the task her father had set for them. I'd like rewrite the way Draupadi's swayamvara went. I've never watched The Bachelorette, but I imagine it being something like that. These royal and handsome men would complete tasks to show their physical abilities, but they would also have time to speak with the princess. She would be able to see their personalities and find out what kind of lives they're hoping for. At the end of some period of time, Draupadi would choose which man she felt would be her best match. I love the way the Pandavas were able to clear away the unhealthy and infested lands of Khandavaprasth. This transformation was very satisfying for me. I wouldn't mind elaborating on how this was done and providing more detailed imagery for the city created as well as the wasteland which was present before. It would be really cool if...